Site Map & Rules

Crown Point Camping Area offers a wide range of campsites, all located in a beautifully level and mature pine plantation above the shores of Stoughton Pond. Our site offerings include full hook-up sites (including 30-amp electric and pull-thrus), water & electric sites, and tent sites. We also offer both summer and winter seasonal campsites. Whatever you need to make your camping experience complete, we have it here!

Crown Point Camping Area Site Map

Click on the map above to download a higher-resolution PDF version.

Rules & Regulations

We want to be sure that everyone enjoys their stay at Crown Point Camping Area, so we have established a set of basic guidelines and rules that have been created in everyone’s best interest. Please review these in advance of your stay, and let us know if anything needs to be called to our attention during your stay. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Rates are subject to change without notice. Actions amounting to nuisance, hazardous conduct or excessive speed may be cause for dismissal. If dismissed from park, “NO REFUNDS”.

Camper at Crown Point Camping
Forest View at Crown Point Camping
Camper crown point camping


All registered guests and visitors use Crown Point Camping Area facilities and amenities at their own risk. The Campground, its owners, employees, and agents are not responsible for loss, injury, or theft to persons or property while on the Campground premises. The Campground is not responsible for the acts of its guests and visitors, or acts of nature.

Please Help Us Preserve the Campground!

We look forward to welcoming you to our campground and will do everything possible to insure that you will enjoy your stay. Crown Point Camping Area is private property, and we reserve the right to terminate any stay at our discretion and for any reason. Possession or use of illegal drugs, excessive use of alcohol, loud and vulgar language, disorderly conduct, possession of fireworks, or any illegal activities are all grounds for immediate expulsion.

Youth Outings

Scout Troops, 4-H Clubs, and any other recognized youth groups are welcome.
Please call the Main Office for pricing & information.